Tune Into The Universe
How much do you enjoy living? What does that even mean?
I believe there are critical questions that are circling around our brain that come from a deep, subconscious level. I like to sit back and examine these as they seem to manifest consciously in a place of less stimulation and distraction.
What type of environment are you in? What noise and frequencies are being given off?
Let the feeling of your present surroundings enter your consciousness…
Ask yourself, how does the environment outside feel? What type of people are around you and how do they feel? Is there a lot of nature around you or not enough? Are the birds singing? Can you feel the harmony or chaos? Notice your proclivity to move on to the next idea as your brain wanders for an answer to your deepest inner QUESTIONS. Now feel outside yourself and view yourself from 10 feet above you staring down at yourself…
Why am I alive?
What do I look like and what type of bacteria am I?
Am I blossoming or rotting? What does it mean to be human?
Am I a good example of this? Breathe.
Do the foods you eat make you feel more alive and more vibrant?
Do you look in the mirror and say, “Wow, you really have outdone yourself with how well you are taking care of yourself”?
If not, think about a time where you REALLY did feel that way. Think of a time where you felt happy to be alive, feeling free and accepted, and you could honestly look yourself in the mirror and feel loved by yourself and the Creator who wonderfully sculpted you out of the universe into existence. Maybe you haven’t felt that but you can and it’s free! The problem for the industry is that when we realize that we all have access to this sense of peace and happiness through soul searching and mindful awareness, we stop consuming things that empty our soul and buying useless material items.
Some sell God. Some sell finding love. Some sell alcohol and good times. In the end, what we all just want is to find our happy place. Whether that be changing the whole word, becoming a mother, becoming rich, becoming a world record holder, or just to give love and be loved, we are all striving for a place where we have reached our purpose in our lives. In a world filled with distractions and fake ideologies, we need to clear all our ideas of what we think the world looks like. Media will consistently spread the world’s baggage onto you, but that’s only a frequency that you are letting in from another place. It is another world that’s being fabricated/implanted into your conscious being. We are open antennas that have the ability to gather information through building neuron by neuron and memory to memory. Our brains, then, attach to patterns through our attention span. You only have so much capacity for care, use it on the ones or things you actually care about.
The thing is, it will never be NOT NOW and we must be grateful of that. Although it will always be now, now moves on from fleeting moment to fleeting moment. The present moment is the fire in your heart and passion in your mind exuding out into the universe. That feeling of now attaching to your body is the divine nature of your attachment to this beautiful playout of life. You can make any decisions you so choose and believe in any ideology you desire. You just need to remember to ask yourself, “Is this good for me?” If I were outside of myself using all of my knowledge to study myself as a human and make the correct moves, what would I be doing? Ask yourself.
What would my mind/body be consuming?
What would I be saying and what message would I be spreading to my surroundings?
How AM I affecting my surroundings?
Am I getting so lost in attaining a happy place in my head that I have forgotten how to truly conceptualize my presence as a frequency?
We need to remember that we are like antennas in this world of frequencies and light. Don’t play around with darkness or negative energy. Conjure up your inner light. Charge that bad boy up and rev your engine with as much positivity as you can! Be good to you. Love you. Treat thyself with dignity and respect. You are not only a body, but a trinity between spirit, body, and mind. The spirit is where your soul speaks/comes from, your mind is what defines you and your happy place, and the body is a mixture of God’s artwork and whatever you decide to attach to that. At the end of the day, there is no escaping your body or mind. Your soul will live on forever, but you are temporarily renting this vehicle from the universe. Treat it well. Let the light in. Don’t be scared to feel your surroundings. Conjure up a mindset that fills you with love and light. Let go of your distractions and stimulation. Tune in with the universe.